Airport paving overrun highlights council meeting

Photo by Ryan HowardThe Daniel DePonti airport paving project is close to completion, but a low estimate on fill material has led to a significant cost overrun.
The Oct. 24 Forest Lake City Council meeting wasn’t long, but it was eventful, including an unfortunate update on the airport paving project, a council decision on its sewer upkeep and an impassioned statement from the police chief.
The actual paving of the Daniel DePonti Airport is on schedule, with project completion expected next week if weather permits. However, project engineering firm SEH informed the city in an Oct. 19 letter that due to the project plans underestimating the amount of fill needed to replace removed topsoil, the project is expected to exceed its $2.47 million bid amount by $500,000 to $800,000 – an increase of 20.27 to 32.44 percent.
“Subgrade issues, inconsistent topsoil depth, an extremely short design period, and a redesign late in

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