Discretion, not gumballs

Judges are not gumball machines. That seems like a pretty simple idea to grasp. Machines and people are very different. Because of this, few would reasonably expect a lot of similarities between judges and gumball machines. However, that position can sometimes change quickly when folks learn that two different judges hearing the exact same case could rule in completely different ways, and that both decisions could be legally correct.
How could this be? Shouldn’t all judges come to the same result in the same case? No, because of judicial discretion.broadstreet.zone(48036);
If you go to a gumball machine and put in your penny, a gumball comes out. Every gumball machine will do the exact same thing. Unlike gumball machines, each judge is different. Each has their own life history, view of the world, philosophy on life, and unique personality. Accordingly, any two judges could view things quite differently.
About 15 years ago, I attended

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