More than 100 students, staff, family and friends participated in the fifth annual Lino Lakes Elementary Stem School 5K Run/Walk on Sept. 24.
This year, the 5K had special meaning to everyone, as the race was dedicated to the memory and celebration of Holly “Soden” Farwell, who lost her hard fought battle with breast, brain and lung cancer in July of 2016. When the school started its partial Spanish immersion program in 2006, Farwell was hired as the first teacher for this new program. She taught both first and second grade Spanish at Lino Lakes Elementary for six years. The impact Holly made on her students, her parents and the staff at Lino Lakes will leave a lasting and positive impact with the;
Farwell’s son, Fletcher, and her husband, Casey Farwell, plus some family and Holly’s friends released pink balloons to officially start the 5K.
The event was supported by the Lino