A gift for you and a great teacher

Today we’ll talk about giving you, the reader, two gifts. Here are two ways to do this.
First, please remember a favorite teacher. Write her or him a thank you note and send it.broadstreet.zone(48036);
I’ll never forget my middle school music teacher, Jim Hardy. He was as kind and gracious in responding to my note as he was 40 years earlier when my voice was changing and my singing was awful. The same was true for Richard Crouter, a college religion professor who helped me (and many others) through the trauma of the 1960s.
The second gift is to buy a copy of “Thank You, Teacher,” edited by Holly and Bruce Holbert. Holly initiated this book, which has brief letters from more than 80 famous people thanking their favorite teachers. The book began when Holly decided to honor her husband’s more than 30 years as an English and social studies teacher. Published by

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