Forest Lake Junior Sports Field Lighting Upgrade Project Commences this April

Photo Credit: Google Earth

Construction works for the Forest Lake junior sports field lighting upgrade project at College Avenue, Forest Lake will commence early April 2019.

The Forest Lake junior sports lighting upgrade project will involve construction of six new light poles and installation of new electrical infrastructure on the eastern oval. The upgrade will provide standard lighting to the eastern field to allow night-time practice and local level competition.

Construction works for the project will include trenching and excavation works to install new electrical infrastructure; construction of light pole foundations; and construction of six new luminaire poles.

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The works shall take place on the eastern oval and the work areas will be fenced during the construction. As construction progresses, local community can expect some construction related noise, dust, and vibration.

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Local Resources

Construction is scheduled to take place between 7:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and advance notification for out-of-hours activities will be provided. The project is expected to be completed by late June 2019.

Future Development Plans

Forest Lake Sports Fields is home to the Forest Lake Junior Rugby Union Club which is the principal lessee of the two ovals located in the park.

The club has several developments planned over the next five years: storage shed for equipment including the diesel powered lights; water bore for the irrigation system; levelling and improving the surface of both ovals; installation of six solar powered security cameras; installation of LED Light Towers for the main oval.