Free Play2Learn Playgroup Gives Forest Lake a Great Start

Photo credit: Play2Learn Playgroups Brisbane/ Facebook

Help shape your child’s cognitive, social, and emotional well-being by joining Forest Lake’s free weekly playgroup at Play2Learn Forest Lake.

Did you know that providing very young children with opportunities to learn, grow and develop through safe and supported play is crucial in their overall well-being not just as a child but also up to adulthood?

Yes, it’s true. And playgroups provide excellent opportunities for toddlers and other young children to learn how to socialise, establish routines, and interact, in preparation for their school years. 

If you are looking for a place where your little one can meet new playmates, Save the Children is hosting a free weekly Play2Learn Program at Forest Lake starting this January 4th 2020 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the Forest Lake playground.

Photo credit: Play2Learn Playgroups Brisbane/ Facebook

About Play2Learn

Play2Learn is a free weekly playgroup that can be found in different suburbs across the wider Brisbane region. It is designed to provide safe, play-based educational activities for children up to 5 years of age.

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The playgroups are run by early childhood educators across Australia. In each playgroup session, the educators set up age appropriate activities that would allow development and interest of the children. Healthy snacks for playgroup participants are also provided.

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Local Resources

Activities in Play2Lean playgroups include:

  • Arts and crafts
  • Free play time
  • Morning or afternoon tea
  • Clean up time
  • Music and Singing
  • Story time

Apart from the benefits that young children receive at playgroups, parents and carers also benefit by meeting other parents, getting support with parenting, and enjoying time with their kids.

Playgroup is a safe, friendly and non-judgmental environment wherein parents and carers have the chance to get to know more about their community or seek for parenting support and advice from other parents or playgroup educators. Educators can bring resources to share with parents, and they can also link parents with support workers for extra help.

For more information about Play2Learn Forest Lake Playgroup, click here. You may also contact Play2Learn Team Leader, Dean Wrobel, via phone at 0411 668 852.