Cancer patients too sick to drive for their medical appointments at Brisbane’s Mater Cancer Centre from their residences in Eagleby, Carole Park, and Goodna can rely on Mater volunteers like Kevin Kelly.
The former police officer signed up as a Mater volunteer driver less than six months ago and has already formed strong friendships with patients.
“I am a good listener and that’s important,” he said. “I really admire them sharing their stories with me and I enjoy seeing their health progress.”
Mr Kelly, 71, resides in Thornlands and has been “in and out” of hospitals with several cancer patients as he ensures they get to their treatments and check-ups safely. He is no stranger to the process as he lost his wife to cancer more than three years ago after a couple of years of fighting the disease. Being a Mater volunteer is his way of giving back to the community.
Mater Volunteer Senior Manager Judy Johnson said that Mr Kelly exemplifies the passion and dedication they need to make a difference.
“When you help others, you end up feeling really good,” Ms Johnson said.
“Kevin is a great driver, and not only does he drive patients, some who are chronically ill, to where they need to be, but he also helps reduce their stress and takes time to make a difference to their lives.”
Other volunteers provide a variety of roles depending on their skills and professional background. Student volunteers above 18 years old are also encouraged to sign up.