New Pedestrian Safety Barriers Installed Near Forest Lake Schools

The community thanked the leadership teams of both schools, Forest Lake ward, and Councillor for Forest Lake Ward Charles Strunk for supporting the project.
“Our young students need protection from unsafe road crossings and they need to remember to obey the school rules and cross at the crossing only. Traffic Light pedestrian crossings give the user the safety they need to feel they can cross the road on the crossing safety zone and get to the shopping centre and fast food outlets without having an accident,” local Stephen Dutton said.
Another resident said the safety barrier is a great idea but believes it may still be dangerous for students when it becomes crowded and waiting to cross at the lights. Still, he hopes it will help with students not darting and pushing onto the road.
In 2015, an eight-year-old student was crossing the road on his way to Grand Avenue State School when he was hit by a car. He was taken to Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital for face and knee injuries. Similar incidents have happened throughout Brisbane, prompting concerned locals and schools to be vigilant about safety in school zones.