Pallara Preps Triple the Excitement for First Day of School

Patels of Pallara
Photo Credit: Supplied

The first day of school brought triple the excitement for the Patels of Pallara, as three-year-old triplets Mizaan, Matilda, and Miraya eagerly began attending Pallara State School.

They especially looked forward to using laptops, learning to read, and making new friends.

The Patel triplets are just three of an estimated 12,000 Mater babies expected to begin their school journey across Queensland this week. Their story is unique: They were born prematurely at Mater Mothers’ Hospital in South Brisbane on 27 September 2019 and spent their first month under the dedicated care of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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Patels of Pallara
Photo Credit: Supplied

The triplets’ birth was rare. Like the Patels, naturally occurring triplets have a one-in-10,000 chance of happening. Adding to the uniqueness, Matilda and Miraya are monochorionic diamniotic twins, meaning they are identical and share a placenta during pregnancy, each having an amniotic sac. This type of twinning within a triplet pregnancy is even rarer, occurring in approximately one in 20,000 cases.

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Patels of Pallara
Photo Credit: Supplied

Born at 34 weeks and three days gestation, the trio arrived within minutes of each other. Mizaan led the way, followed by Matilda, and finally Miraya. Due to Matilda’s slightly smaller size, doctors decided to deliver the triplets early to ensure her healthy development.

As their children prepare to enter the classroom, parents Priyanka and Vrujal Patel are experiencing a mix of emotions.  While they admit the house feels much quieter, they are pleased the triplets will be in the same class. Mrs Patel believes the girls will watch out for their brother, as they share a close bond, evident in their enjoyment of activities like swimming and gymnastics.

Mrs Patel describes her children as having distinct personalities that will keep their teacher on their toes.  Mizaan, the social butterfly of the group, loves the outdoors and exploring new places. Matilda, known for her kindness and gentle nature, enjoys creative pursuits and spending time with loved ones.  Miraya, the youngest, has a mischievous streak and a knack for getting her way.

The Patel triplets will mark Pallara State School with their unique personalities and shared history.

Published Date 29-Jan-2025