A development application for a two-level centre on Gooderham Road in Pallara that will include a range of uses including a supermarket receives overwhelming support from the local community.
The development application seeks approval for a new centre anchored by a supermarket and supported by specialty stores and other tenancies including a gym, food and drink outlets, a medical centre, offices and shops. The proposed site is located at 201 Gooderham Road, Pallara with a total area of 20,260 sqm.
Proposed hours of operation:
- Veterinary Clinic: 24 hour
- Gym: 24hour
- Medical centre: 6 am – 10 pm
- Supermarket: 24hour
- Supermarket service vehicles: 6 am – 10 pm
- Online deliveries:5 am – 11 pm
- Shops and food outlets: 6 am – 10 pm
- Offices: 6 am – 10 pm
With more than 100 submissions having been submitted so far, the proposal appears to be well received by the locals who have long been waiting for such a development in their area. This was also noted by Bluepoint Pallara Pty Ltd in their response to further advice letter dated 17 February 2023.
“From a review of all submissions, it is clear that there is overwhelming support from the community for the proposed development, noting that it will provide a vital piece of infrastructure in an underserviced catchment. The proposed range of uses will diversify the offering of services, facilities, and amenities and will be an important asset for the local community,” the letter states.
“A shopping precinct is a must for the growing Pallara community as we are currently travelling to the neighbouring suburbs even for the basic necessities. I strongly support this development.” – Anonymous
“Looks like we’re not having any local shopping center in Pallara. Suburb has been grown in recent times. Without any local shops, all elderly and young families have to travel across other suburbs for their basic needs. We’ve been assured by Stocklands around 4-5 years back that this shopping center is coming but never happened. Hope Council can approve this proposal and we can have our local shopping center asap.” – Anonymous
“There has already been a long delay of the developer’s promise of the shopping centre and my parents who couldn’t drive needed to walk 3 hours to the closest shop to buy any groceries (1.5 +1.5 hours).” – Anonymous
“I believe this development will be a huge addition to the evergrowing Pallara area, as a Pallara Resident.” – Anonymous
Meanwhile, a submission opposing the proposal said that it was considered “inconsistent with the intent of the Neighbourhood Centre precinct under the Preliminary Approval,” particularly, the GFA which exceeds that 4,000 sqm cap and that the “Economic Needs Analysis does not provide sufficient justification for almost double the permitted GFA on site.”
Another resident expressed concern about the proposed development creating noise and heat as well as pollution to their immediate living environment.
Published 17-March-2023