QATSIF Continues To Support Young Indigenous Students In Forest Lake & Other Queensland Schools To Finish High School

Photo credit: QATSIF

A good number of young indigenous students in Queensland are getting a good chance of completing their high school senior years, thanks to the help of The Queensland Aboriginal And Torress Strait Island Foundation (QATSIF) scholarship program.

Forest Lake’s Success Story

One of the success stories come from Forest Lake. Student and scholarship recipient Lucina Colbert graduated from Forest Lake College last year. She was also Queensland’s top performing Aboriginal and Torres Strait student.

The Scholarship

The organisation has delivered scholarships to 1,045 students in Queensland since 2010 to support Year 11 and 12 studies. Scholarship recipients are given $1,000 a year on their final two years of high school.

QATSIF aims to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait island student retention in Years 11 and 12. The funding is also used to build on existing school community programs and support for individual students.

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The secretariat director of the organisation, Michael Nayer, has also invited parents who attended the recent scholarship grants ceremony this year at the Australian Catholic University to apply for the 10th round of scholarships in mid-June.

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Families can approach their schools to apply for these scholarships.