The Forest Lake Boardwalk will undergo rehabilitation works beginning 21 November and should be completed, weather permitting, by 14 December, as announced by the Brisbane City Council.
For three weeks, the boardwalk (B9791) at the the Lake Parklands in Forest Lake in front of the Amphitheatre will be closed. Rehabilitation works include the replacement of the deteriorated timber components.

The rehabilitation works is scheduled to be done Monday to Friday from 7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M. However, should there be a need for these hours to be extended, residents will be notified in advance.
Residents are also advised of the following inconveniences while the rehabilitation works are underway:
- A Construction compound
- Noise during work hours
- Closure of view deck
- About The Lake Parklands, Forest Lake

The Lake Parklands is a scenic picnic and playground spot in Forest Lake that offers families a place to picnic, bike, canoe, or to just simply walk and admire the greenery and the beauty of the Lake. It is also home to some wildlife such as swans, turtles, and pelicans.
The Lake is around 2.5 kilometres in circumference or about 45 minutes walk. So, it is a great spot to run or do just about any workout routine.

Features facilities of The Lake Parklands:
- Accessible toilet
- Electric barbecue
- booking sites
- car park situated at Seabrook Crescent, Alexandrina Circuit, The Esplanade (Jetty Walk), Forest Lake Boulevard, and Freshwater Circuit
- fitness station (The Esplanade)
- fitness trail (Alexandrina Circuit, Lakeside Crescent)
- path and bikeway network (Forest Lake Circuit)
- picnic area at the Freshwater Circuit, The Esplanade (Jetty Walk), and Alexandrina Circuit
- playground located at the Freshwater Circuit, Grand Avenue, Ibis Circuit, The Esplanade (Jetty Walk), and Wivenhoe Circuit
- public toilet (Forest Lake Boulevard)
- shared pathway (Forest Lake South, Forest Lake Boulevard)
- tennis court and basketball half court (Ibis Circuit)
- wi-fi